7. Vent multi-kill
Much like a crowd kill, you can use your sabotaging skills to lure people away from a crime scene and keep them from reporting the body. Want to do a vent multi-kill? Start by waiting for your victim inside a vent, then kill, sabotage, and jump back in. Once Crewmates fix the sabotage and your second victim walks in, jump out and kill them before they can report the body.
Note that this will only work in early game and not for an unlimited number of times, as your absence in the emergency area may get noticed.
8. Mind the cameras
Impostors often overlook the presence of cameras on the Skeld and Polus maps. A Crewmate watching the cameras might see you stab someone, so beware. You can see several cameras hanging on the walls of both maps. If you see a blinking red light, you know someone is watching you. So don’t stab the next Crewmate that comes along.
The cameras are not just there to hinder you though. Crewmates watching the cameras can’t see other players next to them, so if you see those little red lights, it may be time to pay the security room a visit. Furthermore, you can pretend to be a Crewmate by watching the cameras yourself.