9. Keep track of the numbers

This is very important. If one more kill brings the number of Crewmates down to the same number as the Impostors, you have won the game! Just kill another Crewmate as quickly as you can. 

Quite often, Crewmates are not even aware of this. However, if they are a bit more experienced, they will try to call an emergency meeting as soon as possible to prevent the Impostor from making their final kill. The best way to fix this problem is by sabotaging immediately. During a sabotage, Crewmates can’t call an emergency meeting and are forced to walk over to a certain spot. All you have to do is wait for them to meet their fate.

10. Pretend to be AFK

We’re not saying that this is the most honorable way to win, but it is an entertaining one. Just stand still and wait. Others will notice you’re not moving, assume you’re AFK, and leave you alone. When a player comes in range, walk towards them and quickly kill them. Then go back to the exact same spot you were in. You will be surprised how many players buy into this tactic.

Unfortunately, this is unlikely to work a second time in the same group of players. But if you’re playing with a group of friends and want to make memories that last a lifetime… Being the ultimate Impostor-troll is the way to do it.